“Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction of you is an awareness of me” … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Years ago i had a weird experience, that somehow totally redefined my philosophy about what we actually call in an illusory way ... enemies.

A conflict with an important person from my area, based on a nonsense, like almost all the conflicts we usually have in life ... ended at the highest institution from my country that analyze such cases.

I could almost say that because of this ... we ended at the Inquisition .... and we were scared to death because of that ... both of us.

But somehow it was too late ... cause they already were analyzing the case ... and all we could do was to believe that God will save us from there.

The conflict itself took about 2 years.

In my vision from that time .... the guy was a jerk that had to go to Hell because of all his actions against me ... but i am


also sure that he did not defined me as the angel from Heaven.

I had lots of nights that i could not sleep because of that damm conflict.

Had moments when i forgot about him ... but remembering again ... i was becoming overwhelmed of emotions ... again and again.

In fact ... it was a balance of contradictory emotions.

I was trying to practice the forgiveness and i was reading a lot about the subject, but even if i had moments when i thought i forgave him ... the next day i was hating him again.

Seeing that the conflict is not going to an end, his wife was visiting my parents ... complaining about the situation and asking for help ... telling them all kinds of lies and that her husband is not sleeping into the night because of me .. by months.

I was smiling realizing that i was not sleeping ... and he was not sleeping either .... by such a long time.

But one day the conflict finally ended and no one of us was arrested ... even if almost all the people that go to that institution, that looks a lot with the Inquisition ... are arrested ... at least for a while.

Seeing that ... we closed the conflicted and we somehow promised to each other that we will never have a conflict again.

We were so idiots ... that we could almost be arrested ... only because we could not realize that the conflict itself was a ... nonsense.


Today i met him again.

We stayed for about 10 minutes together and talked.

We smiled to each other.

Saw his emotions in his eyes ... but i was seeing him this time as ... a friend.

Most probably we will make a deal together and ... make some good money.

... but i smiled after i left.

Being in front of each other ... we realized the illusory concept of what we name ... enemies and conflicts.

Maybe we have now close to 3 years from the end of the story ... and i clearly see the nonsense from that situation ... but i can’t believe i was so blind.

Time let me ... open the eyes ... and maybe for him it was the same ... but even if we were not arrested by anyone ... we spent 2 years in a weird virtual prison ... of negative emotions that ruined us the chance of enjoying life in a proper way.

I was glad seeing today that i don’t hate him anymore ... and that we treated each other as 2 friends thar lived an interesting experience together ... one that redefined us our perception about the silly balance of our non sense thoughts, perceptions, feelings and emotions.


Download the book ”The dance of our emotions is a ... nonsense ... but a main part of our lives” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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